I want to remind you about how deeply you are loved. It would benefit you greatly to remember often how precious you are to your heavenly Father. If he watches over all of the sparrows, how much more does he love you? If he clothes the lilies of the field with royal splendor, how much more will he clothe you? Remember that you are not your own – he has purchased you. You were bought with a price; the precious blood of Jesus who bled and died for you. That is how valuable you are to him. Do you know that you’re loved that deeply?
Do you understand that even the deepest ocean could never contain God’s love for you? Do you know that the widest canyon in the world couldn’t contain his love for you? As a matter of fact, if you were to lose your way and wander far from him, he loves you so much that he would pursue you and come to rescue you. He would leave the ninety-nine to come after you, the one who is lost and he wouldn’t stop until he found you. There is nothing that could stop him from coming to find a lost one he loves so deeply. He would break through bars of iron. He would climb to the tops of mountains and go to the greatest lengths to get you back because of how much he loves you.
Your heavenly father is full of mercy and goodness. Far from chastising you because of your sin – He embraces you with love. He insists that you eat at His table. He serves you with His own hands and gives you the key to His treasures. He converses and delights Himself with you incessantly, in a thousand and a thousand ways and He treats you in all respects as His favorite. That’s because you are his beloved child.
Seriously, think about it. Where could you run that he wouldn’t come after you? How could you ever fall when he’s already taken the fall for you? You have never been more loved and you never will be more loved than you are right now. His love is loyal – he will never leave you and never forsake you, never abandon you. He loves you more than you could ever ask, think, or imagine. His love is everlasting…and it is so strong and powerful that nothing could ever separate you from it. Your father’s love is perfect. His love is kind. His love is patient with you. His love is gentle upon you.
Remember all those great stories from the Bible like the colorful robe that Jacob gave to his son Joseph? Or how King David invited his friend Jonathan’s lame son, Mephibosheth, into his royal court and gave him a perpetual seat at his table, treating him like one of his own? Remember the prodigal son? When his father sees him off in the distance, returning home and the Father RUNS to him and embraces him and kisses him and puts a ring on his finger, new sandals on his feet and a royal robe on him? That’s because when he looks at you, he sees ROYALTY. Those stories are all about your heavenly Father’s deep, unending, extravagant love for you and about how valuable you are to him.
You must never forget how loved you are. It must always be at the forefront of your mind. It is a fact that must color and cover all of your other thoughts. God loves you so much…that he sent his one and only Son to die for you, not to condemn you, but to save you. You are priceless in value. You are of the highest, most precious significance to God because you are his child.
THIS is why you are and always will be so deeply loved.
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