Upward Expedition Blog

The Personal Blog of Tony Wilcox

  • The Bird

    One day, the bird flew so high that it caught a very strong wind current that swept him up and far away from his home and his family.  It loved soaring on the high breezes and rode this current for miles and miles in the clear, sunny sky, across great swaths of forests and hills,…


  • The Offended

    I recently saw an obviously homemade sign stuck to a fence near the offramp of the freeway I travel frequently that simply read in big, bold letters on cardboard, “JESUS.” Just a simple reminder to passersby of the one who gave his life so others could live eternally. Not offensive to me for any reason,…


  • The Jailers

    There’s a chilling scene in the 2013 movie “Zero Dark Thirty” that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up the first time I saw it. U.S. forces have captured a key terrorist operative and he is incarcerated in a makeshift jail cell in Pakistan. A cold-as-steel CIA agent (played deftly by…


  • The Magpie

    When I was in fifth grade, I had a teacher named Mr. Constantine.  He was a stubby, red-headed man with a thick mustache.  The other teachers called him the “Old Red Fox” and he taught shop and science.  He also happened to be the “D” hall teacher.  “D” hall was short for “detention”, but in…


  • You Are Loved

    I want to remind you about how deeply you are loved. It would benefit you greatly to remember often how precious you are to your heavenly Father. If he watches over all of the sparrows, how much more does he love you?  If he clothes the lilies of the field with royal splendor, how much…


  • I Am Bulletproof Strong

    I choose a state-of-mind that is founded in the freedom, strength and courage that flows from my relationship with Jesus.  I choose to Be strong and courageous (Joshua 1:9).  God has given me the ability to control my thoughts, so I choose to think about myself and how I relate to others along the following lines…


  • In Jesus, I AM…

    ACCEPTED SECURE  “For your sake we face death all day long;          we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any…