Become the Man God Designed You to Be
A Spiritual Journey for Christian Men
A Journey of Seven Peaks…
From the man you are today…to the man that God originally designed you to be.

Packing the essentials for the journey ahead: Misery, Willingness, Humility, Awareness and Acceptance

Peak #1: Assess
Every person on earth is broken in a spiritual sense. Our journey starts by ASSESSING where we are now and how we got here.

Peak #2: Agree
“There’s nobody living right…they’ve all taken the wrong turn, they’ve all wandered down blind alleys.” – Psalm 14:1 (MSG) To take this journey, we must AGREE to take God’s path moving forward.

Peak #3: Align
Our hearts have been malformed by our culture, our family systems and our own choices. Walking God’s path requires a REALIGNMENT of our hearts with HIS heart.

Peak #4: Affirm
Our thinking about ourselves, God and others has become out of order. We must learn the new skill of AFFIRMING who God says we are and how we relate to him and others.

Peak #5: Attune
God moves in subtle and mysterious ways that we aren’t often aware of. We must learn to ATTUNE to God’s heart and movements as we move through life.

Peak #6: Advance
Who is God calling us to become? What moves must we make in the face of fear and the obstacles ahead in pursuit of that goal?

Peak #7: Ascend
The last pitch towards becoming the man God designed you to be can be the most challenging. This is the final push to ASCEND to our destination.

The Descent: Live Your Life!
“The glory of God is man, fully alive.”
Helping Others Become Who God Designed Them to Be
From Broken
to Bulletproof

Are you ready for the Spiritual Journey of your Lifetime?
✓ Life Changing
✓ It’s all about Jesus
What Others Have to Say…
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4.85 from 1,300+ reviews
“In my career as a physician working in the field of Addiction Medicine I have met over 24,000 people who struggle with chemical dependencies. When I meet a patient for the first time they will tell me how much they want to change but for many reasons they are not ready to change and continue to struggle. My hope, for you is that you are ready to change. My prayer is that you will not just read what Tony has written but DO what he teaches and practices himself. Then, as Tony testifies, you will be blessed and find that freedom you are so desperate for and that God is so eagerly ready to give.”
Dr. Doug Richards, MD, MPH
Southern California
My life was simply in disarray. I was addicted to alcohol and pure selfishness until I came to a point where life didn’t seem worth living and everyone around me would be better off if I weren’t around. I sought prayer through my church and was directed to attend a men’s group discussing
these behaviors and was introduced to the 12 steps of recovery and the Upward Expedition. After a few weeks of witnessing others at various stages in recovery, I decided to give in to the process fully. Getting a sponsor, working the steps, and spending time with the Lord (sometimes
forcing myself to just be silent) propelled me into experiencing life as it was meant to be for the first time since I was a child. Continuing the steps and doing what was suggested by the men around me gave me confidence in my recovery and brought me to a place where I could finally
experience the Lord as a friend and helper and not as a disciplinarian, which was my view of Him for so many years. Going through this process has given me the tools and incite needed to become the man God has always meant for me to be. I am now 2 years sober and helping others through this journey. I feel more aware and alive than I ever had before. I need a community of others to help and be accountable. Everyone, no matter what addiction or stage of life you are in, will benefit from this. Meekness is not weakness! It is strength under control and the Lord will bless the meek….if you are willing!
My Upward Expedition
The 12-Steps? Really? I’m not that bad off.The 12-Steps? Really? Even if it would help me in some way, I’m not as bad off as the others in that group. The 12-Steps? Ok, I’ll go along with these reindeer games for a while, but I’ll bail
as soon as I get what I need. The 12-Steps! My friends and I go there. It’s a great place to learn about one’s struggles. The 12-Steps! My brothers and I go and share with one another, lifting one another up when life starts closing in.
The 12-Steps! Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit… THERE YOU ARE!!!
I once struggled deeply with feelings of insignificance, incompetence, and impotence- rarely understanding exactly what I was feeling, let alone having the tools to to deal with life’s common problems – I was heading towards an ultimate and untimely demise. Through the Upward Expedition I learned how to accept my past for what it was, no matter how irredeemable I found it, and in loving trust submit my future to a God who loves me and wants to use even the darkest parts of me for his glory and my good, if I am merely willing to offer myself to him.